
Installing Kong is pretty simple. Here is a step by step plan on how to do it.


Kong is available on Pypi as django-kong, but trunk is probably your best best for the most up to date features.

First, obtain Python and virtualenv if you do not already have them. Using a virtual environment will make the installation easier, and will help to avoid clutter in your system-wide libraries. You will also need Git in order to clone the repository.

Once you have these, create a virtual environment somewhere on your disk, then activate it:

virtualenv kong
cd kong
source bin/activate

Kong ships with an example project that should get you up and running quickly. To actually get kong running, do the following:

git clone
cd django-kong
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install . #Install Kong
cd example_project
./ syncdb --noinput
./ loaddata test_data
./ runserver

This will give you a locally running instance with a couple of example sites and an example test.

Now that you have your tests in your database, you need to check that your tests run. You can run tests like:

#Check all sites
./ check_sites
#Only run the front page test
./ check_sites -t front-page
#Only check sites of type Mine
./ check_sites -T mine

The first command is the default way of running kong, and will run the tests for all of your sites.

The second two different ways will run either a specific test, or a type of test. Both of these can run tests across multiple sites.